Thursday, April 20, 2006

Why do I write what I write?

Sometimes I would like to write a little bit lighter. Writing about topics like football or Hockey. But as the argentian writer Julio Cortazar said, "one can not choose what to write, them (the topics) chose you and those themes one should go back once and once again.

In my case, the themes that had chosen me, are those that question the human condition, exclusion, indifference and lack of solidarity. But there is a topic in which I am recurrent and this is the Armed Conflict, why, how, and when, the people decide to take on guns. What are the reasons for them to doing it, and why some do not.

In the same case the peace processes call my attention. The attempts of the reestablishment of the institutions and the monopoly of guns by the different states all around the world. The relinquishing of the imminent gun's power by the rebels.

However, there are people who do not understand the concern about these issues. They feel my opinion as a critic and unable to handle it act in response of this. For those, it does not count the words of Borges according to which, it does not matter from which side of the table the truth comes, what matter is to get it. But for them, the guns, and the military atrocities are the only means by which they have been heard and that is the top of the dialogues and the debates.

I am not pretending, I have not pretended to have the truth in any armed conflict. I have given my opinion about them. In the specific Colombian case, mine are only opinions inspirited for the situations, and I can be wrong on those. I can be seeing the facts from a pessimistic point of view, but a life threat like the one done against me last week in this newspaper, just reinforce my opinion about the lack of commitment by the Colombian Paramilitary Groups with the current peace process.

Hollman Lozano
March 20, 2006

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